Influential Leadership:
Set a Tone of Excellence in Your Organization
Leadership guru Brian Tracy states, “The leader always sets the tone for the department or organization…The more excited and committed you are to your work, the more excited and committed will be the people around you.” During this engaging, interactive session, Brenda will share practical strategies for setting a tone of excellence for your team, and in the process, being a leader who is well-respected, highly effective, and highly regarded by their team and fellow leaders.
Servant Leadership in 2025:
Leading with Purpose
Many current organizations are taking renewed interest in the traditional concept of ‘Servant Leadership.’ Servant Leadership involves the understanding that the most effective leaders serve their people, by supporting, listening, encouraging, and maximizing the unique potential of each individual.
Be a 'Lovable Star' as a Leader:
Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Personal & Professional Success
Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy coined the term ‘Lovable Star’ to describe people whom we love to work with, have as our leaders, and do business with. She says these people possess two traits, both related to Emotional Intelligence. During this fascinating, interactive session, you will learn what those traits are, along with several user-friendly strategies for increasing your Emotional Intelligence.
Creative Tools for Coaching Team Members to Success
Many leaders are skilled and experienced at coaching team members to success. For these professionals, asking open-ended questions, actively listening, and getting team members to reflect on their experience are engrained, intuitive practices. This engaging, interactive session is designed to add new, creative tools to your coaching toolbox, whether you are one of those seasoned coaches, or just learning the practice.

Crucial Conversations:
Skills for Communicating About Difficult Workplace Issues
We’ve all been there—knowing that we have to have that difficult conversation that we are dreading. In a workplace, it might mean talking to a colleague who just missed a critical deadline, confronting a team member about his or her inappropriate behavior, or conversing as a team about issues that need resolved but seem too “hot-button” to even approach.
Increasing Employee Retention:
How Do We Keep Quality Team Members on Board?
In the current economy, many organizations are finding themselves short-staffed and hoping to retain the quality staff members that they do have. The focus of this engaging program is on practical strategies that organizations can implement to potentially recruit new employees and to increase satisfaction levels among their current staff.