Real-World Positivity! New for 2025!
Unlock the Benefits of Cultivating a Brighter Outlook on Life
Several well-respected research studies have demonstrated that being a positive person has significant benefits for our lives. 'Real-World Positivity' is not about putting on rose-colored glasses and dismissing the very real heartaches in life. People with Real-World Positivity are highly compassionate, while also recognizing the importance of not dwelling on the small, daily annoyances that we all experience. In this practical, interactive program, we will explore compelling research into the 'why' of being a more positive person, and the 'how-to' of being a more positive person.
You Got This!
Strategies for Confidence & Excellence in Every Area of Your Life
The phrase ‘You Got This’ is often used to express confident assurance in a friend or ally facing a challenge: “Just play the game as you know how. You got this.” This fun, engaging session will share current research into how to foster genuine confidence in yourself and excellence in your life, on a daily basis. Brenda will start the session by sharing insights from a unique Harvard Business School Don’t Stop Believin’ study. She’ll then work into identifying what lens each of us wears that impacts our demeanor and relationships daily.
Bring Your A-Game...
to Every Aspect of Your Life!
What does it mean to ‘Bring Your A-Game’? What percent of the time would you say that you bring the very best you have to offer to your work life, your home life, and your relationships? In this fun, interactive session, we will explore—in a very painless way—what the latest research has to say about ways to keep yourself feeling upbeat and energized on a day-to-day basis.