Lead From Where You Are:
You Don't Need a Title to Make a Positive Impact
Leadership expert Shanna Hocking writes, “Leadership isn’t about title or authority. It’s the energy and purpose by which you lead yourself each day and how you serve others.” John Maxwell adds, “The bottom line is this: Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit…You can make a difference no matter where you are.” This engaging, interactive session will focus on how each of us—no matter our position within our organization—can be leaders who make a tremendous, positive impact on those we interact with each day.
Real-World Positivity! New in 2025
Unlock the Benefits of Cultivating a Brighter Outlook on Life
Several well-respected research studies have demonstrated that being a positive person has significant benefits for our lives. 'Real-World Positivity' is not about putting on rose-colored glasses and dismissing the very real heartaches in life. People with Real-World Positivity are highly compassionate, while also recognizing the importance of not dwelling on the small, daily annoyances that we all experience. In this practical, interactive program, we will explore compelling research into the 'why' of being a more positive person, and the 'how-to' of being a more positive person.
This Is Not My First Rodeo!
Strategies for Resilience During Stressful Times
One of the most valuable traits for success in life is resilience. Resilience is the ability to keep moving forward despite challenges, and the strength to recover quickly from setbacks. This engaging, interactive session will provide practical, research-based strategies for developing your personal resilience, that will benefit you at work and home.
Be a 'Lovable Star':
Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Success at Work & Home
Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy coined the term ‘Lovable Star’ to describe people whom we love to work with, have as our leaders, and do business with. She says these people possess two traits, both related to Emotional Intelligence. During this fascinating, interactive session, you will learn what those traits are, along with several user-friendly strategies for increasing your Emotional Intelligence.
Skills for Handling Workplace Conflicts:
Being Thoughtful of Both People and Results
We’re all going to be faced with conflicts and disagreements with others throughout our lives. For most of us, it’s our least favorite part of living with, and working with, other people. The good news is that there are some simple techniques you can learn to increase your skills and confidence in dealing with conflicts—at work and at home—in more peaceful, effective ways.

"Please Don't Put Garlic Salt in My Frosting!"
Strategies for Making Your Workplace Culture as 'Sweet' as Possible
What is workplace culture, and what does it have to do with garlic salt? In simple terms, workplace culture is, “…how employees’ hearts and stomachs feel about Monday morning on Sunday night.” (Marklein) In this upbeat, interactive session, Brenda will share user-friendly strategies to help create the type of workplace culture that makes people look forward to coming to work.
Exceptional Customer Service:
Create an Impressive Reputation for Your Organization
According to TARP Institute research, for every customer who complains to a company, there are 26 other unhappy customers that the company never hears from. Unfortunately, that person may be voicing his/her complaint to everyone they meet!
Exceptional Internal Customer Service:
The Why and How-To of Providing Superior Service to Your Internal Clients
University of Maryland’s Benjamin Schneider states, “There’s a remarkably close and consistent link between how internal customers are treated and how external customers perceive the quality of your organization’s services…It’s almost impossible to provide good external service if your organization is not providing good internal service.”